HomeStory Doors

HomeStory Doors was looking to take their brand outreach to the next level and ask the MCG creative team to tell their story with a branding video. But we didn’t want to make the same kind of video that is prevalent in HomeStory’s industry. You’ve seen them, wealthy older white couple in a big house with a dizzying array of shot after shot trying to cram in as many features and products into 3 minutes as they can. The MCG team took a very different route and decided to focus on the story of doors and the meaning that they can have in the look and life of a family home.

Elevate Addiction Services

The rehab addition recovery space can be a tricky one to navigate when it comes to creating branded content. You either think of Malibu mansions with celebrity rubdowns and horseback riding at sunset, or depressing fluorescent lit hall ways of wall-to-wall linoleum in a clinical like setting. Not so with Elevate Addiction Services. They truly are a one of a kind in an industry that can get a pretty bad wrap. The MCG team wanted to create an experience that really helped Elevate shine and show just how different their program is and their wholistic approach to empowering people and changing lives for the better.

This commercial was done in the fall of 2018, and it was the very first commercial Elevate had ever done. We were honored to help them move their messaging to the next level and focused the story on the holistic approach they bring to the addiction recovery space. We used our emotional color spectrum to help establish the depression that addicts can feel by using cooler tones, then created a warmer and more positive tone as the journey from dark to light ends.

Car Car Council

The Car Care Council hired MCG to help create straightforward and engaging messaging while being very clear what the ask was. So, we made the “Cash in the Can” campaign targeted at automotive DIY’ers. Artie (the Cash in the Can polar bear) delivers the message, in this fun animated treatment and earworm inducing jingle (that we wrote and recorded in our very own studio), to do-it-yourself Californians and encourages them to finish the job and cash in the can.

Hipster Santa’s Big Day Out

Mercenary Creative Group founder and creative director, Drew Newbold, had created a character, Hipster Santa, who for an appearance at alternative Sacramento radio station ALT 94.7’s Electric Christmas Concert at the Golden 1 Center in the DOCO (Downtown Commons) district. We decided to document the event and his day leading up to the show and turn it into our 2019 Holiday Video. MCG’s goal was to show our company’s commitment to our community by working with many local businesses as well as capturing a bit of a huge Sacramento event and show the diversity of things there are to do in California’s capital city.

Print / Graphic Design / Identity Design / Rebranding / Environmental / Web Art Direction / Before & After